Hn. Sr. carlos juri feghali
Cónsul Honorario del Líbano en Cali

Dirección: Carrera 37A # 5B2 – 64 San Fernando
Teléfonos: 602 371 6565
email: Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8:00 a.m. A 12:00 m.
Fiesta Nacional: 22 de Noviembre
Website Embajada
Calle 74 # 11 – 88 – Bogota D.C.
57 1 3481781      57 1 3481782

Los Libaneses inscritos en este Consulado Honorario, podrán solicitar información sobre la expedición o renovación de su pasaporte ordinario.

To download and to fill the application, please click on the below

To download and to fill the visa application, please click on the below Two Options: Obtain Visa at Beirut International airport or Obtain Visa from the Embassy

To download and to fill the registration application, please to click on the below Marriage In person 1- Fill out an application for Personal file at the Embassy and Marriage

The tourism industry in Lebanon has been historically important to the local economy and remains to this day to be a major source of revenue for Lebanon.